Upgrade Your Virtual Office with Hinman Backgrounds

Office buildings come in all shapes & sizes. To get you through this time, bring your office with you to your virtual office with these backgrounds ready for Zoom or your computer background. We won’t even judge if you choose an office building that isn’t yours. Okay, maybe we will judge a little. Enjoy!
To download, right click a photo and select “save image as…”.
- Terrace Point | Muskegon
- 750 Trade Centre | Portage
- 77 Monroe Center | Grand Rapids
- Battle Creek Tower | Battle Creek
- 202 S Michigan | South Bend
- Terrace Plaza | Muskegon
- 950 Trade Centre | Portage
- Ramblewood Offices | Grandville
- Abbott Center | East Lansing
- 205 W Jefferson | South Bend
- 650 Trade Centre | Portage
- Glenwood Hills | Grand Rapids
- 136 E Michigan | Kalamazoo
- Centennial Plaza | Grand Rapids
- Skyrise Business Center | Kalamazoo
- 3040 Charlevoix | Grand Rapids
- Trestlebridge Office Centre | Portage
- Cascade Office Park | Grand Rapids